The real hoverboard
2015 is sneaking up on us but still no flying car or hoverboard. Well no flying car anyways, nevertheless the hoverboard just may exist the coming year! A working hoveroard has always been the dream about scientist and geeks alike ever since "Back to the Future 2." There has been countless tries and hoaxes in the past but all were misses. Until two engineers at Hendo that is certainly. Greg and Jill Henderson have formulated the real deal. A board that could support a adult and it hovers an inch off the ground. How does this work? The secret may be the ground needs to be made of metal in order to use it. So how does a complete metal skate park sound? Greg and Jill use it kickstarter expecting building one.
From Kickstarter :
"The magic behind the hoverboard lies in its four disc-shaped engines. These create a special magnetic field which literally pushes against itself, generating the lift which levitates our board off the ground.
So where does the HENDO hoverboard stand today? Well, about 1 inch off the ground. As you can see from your video above, the prototype is real plus it works! But to see it hover directly, and better yet, to defy gravity by riding it, is something you need to experience too.
With the support with the kickstarter community, most of us can. We need your assist to put the finishing touches on the Hendo Hoverboard, to assist us produce them, and create places to ride them"
Currently they made 10 prototypes with our help somewhat be able to produce countless maybe even build hoverboard parks, or even one day, perhaps, utilize the nifty technology for other modes of transportation. Then it really can be like the future of 2015 we've all seen on the screen.
The only draw back will be the price of the hoverboard vergleich 2016 ( is marked as $ 10,000
Great Scott!
Would you help set the longer term?
"Where we're going, we don't need roads"
See you in the longer term